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Merel Wendt (1999) is an illustrator, graphic artist and bottle enthusiast based in Groningen. Bottles are an inexhaustible source of inspiration to her, they function as characters in her work.  As a maker, she tries to visualise her fascination with their form by manipulating their properties, such as shape, color and size. She stretches, inflates and exaggerates them.  In doing so, she aims to reacquaint the viewer to the bottle as both form and object.

Her illustrated bottle collection began as her graduation
project called PFAND in which she used her role as illustrator and bottle enthusiast to visualise the invisible collection of Berlin's deposit collectors. This culminated in a major form study of the bottle, which is still ongoing. She takes an analogue approach in her work, using techniques such as lithography, screen printing, clay and pencil.


Ieder Kind een Kunstenaar
Professionalisation programme VRIJDAG

BA Illustration and Animation Design  
Academie Minerva Groningen, Cum Laude

Internship with comic artist Nino Bulling, Berlin

Solo exhibitions

2023 Flessenwerk, Galerie Noord Groningen
2022 PFAND, Kunstpunt Groningen

Group exhibitions

20-04-2025 Wahlverwantschaft, Pictura, Groningen

2024 De Nieuwe Editie, Museum aan de A, Groningen
2024 Galerie Kunstsmederij, Grasnapolsky, Scheemda
2023 Feest der Herkenning, Galerie Noord, Groningen
2023 Heterdaad, MicksArt Gallery, Emmen
2023 Zonder Titel 2, CAMPIS, Assen
2023 Tijdcollages, Witte Olifanten IX, Stadskanaal (duo with Marijke Klamer)
2023 Ten slotte, DAD, Groningen
2023 Window exhibition, Sec Marché, Hattem
2023 WEP SALON, WEP, Groningen
2022 Drawing Zines, Drawing Centre Diepenheim
2022 Fumetto Comic Festival, Luzern, Switzerland
2022 Night By The Young, Rozentheater Amsterdam
2022 DAD Design Stories, Groningen
2021 IJswee, CBK Emmen
2021 Dutch Design Week, Klokgebouw, Eindhoven
2021 Manifestatie Jong V, Galerie DSG, Assen
2021 Detour, Graduation show Academy Minerva Groningen
2020  Channeled, The Waterhouse Gallery, Groningen
2020 Like a Virgin, Galerie H200, Groningen
2019  Panta Rhei, Grafiek2019 & Forma Aktua, Groningen
2019 Illustratie57, Groningen (curation and organising seminars)
2019 Grafiek in de Kerk, Woltersum
2018  Cross Comix, Rotterdam (student prize nomination)
2018 Allie van Altena Farewell Exhibition, Groningen

Teaching experience

Academie Minerva Groningen
    Nov 2023
    Projectweek Fine Art year 1-4
    Big-sized polyesterplate lithography

  Sept 2023
    Introductionweek Illustration Design year 2
    Zine workshop

  Nov 2022
    Projectweek Fine Art year 2-3
    Prints of collections, researching objects and lithography in the public domain 

  Feb 2022
    Projectweek Fine Art year 1
    Prints of collections, collections of prints
    Exploring objects and still-lives through polyesterplate-lithography

VRIJDAG Groningen
      Sept 2024 - now    Sculpting: everyday objects out of clay
    Jan  2024 - now       Visual arts teacher (in primary education)  

Stichting De Vrolijkheid, Art Projects in Dutch Refugee Centres
     Aug  2022 - Jan 2024 Art workshop teacher, AZC Ter Apel
     Sept 2022 - Jan 2023 Art workshop teacher, AZC Burgum
  2022,2023,2024       Summer project, AZC Ter Apel

Purple Carrot Collective
    Jul  2021 - now      Screen print and workshop collective